Saturday, December 1, 2007

Diving Board

Humans are naturally indecisive creatures. We have this tendency to sit and meticulously ponder over something before we even dip our toes into the pool of action, so to speak. This can be a blessing and a curse for humanity. For one, it incites a well-thought out plan and generally prevents mass stupidity, but on the other hand it delays, and sometimes even destroys, action.

Procrastination is loosely defined as the act of putting something off until the very last minute, but what if there is no deadline? What if that very last minute is your final breath? I have these moments of Ferris Bueler like insight, where all I can think is that life moves pretty fast. And quite frankly, yeah, if you don't stop to look around you could very well miss it.

When I created this blog, I was pretty thrilled with the idea of having a fresh plate where I could dump all of my little bits of everyday excitement onto, but then the worry set in. What will I write about? All blogs usually have a theme, a niche, but what is mine? I don't have the kind of insight or superiority that comes with age. Conversely, I have the exact opposite. I have a fresh perspective, unbiased, uninterrupted, with no obligations to career nor society to hold back how I feel. I don't have any sort of worldly forte and quite frankly I fail at math, but I have a direct look into what your kids are doing when you're not looking and I am somehow able to throw back the curtain at that high school passion play and scream out to the audience what's going on backstage. I am a child of the here and now, and I finally realize that in its own is a niche.

I am terribly ashamed it took me this long to realize that starting this blog is the best thing that I can do for the world; my contribution to society, but I am here and I am ready. Instead of dipping my toes into that pool, I've just jumped in with no idea what foreign lands I'm swimming to next. All I know is that today was my day.

So the question is, when will you find the day to take action?

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